I will be describing Romeo who I enjoyed reading about in the text. Romeo was very helpful towards my understanding of the idea which was the destructive consequences of revenge.

Romeo is a young man who lives in Verona. Romeo belongs to a family called the Montague’s who have been having a feud with the Capulet’s for generations. Romeo starts off going out with Rosaline but soon Romeo loses all interest in her because she would not have sex with him. Not long after he leaves Rosaline he is confessing his love for Juliet. Romeo meets Juliet at a party in the Capulet’s house and after the party Romeo risks his life to see Juliet by sneaking to her balcony. The three characteristics Romeo shows are his impulsiveness, outgoingness and how he is really good with the ladies. These really helped me to understand the destructive consequences of revenge.

“Did my heart love till now?” This is what Romeo says about Juliet within a few days of meeting her which shows his impulsiveness. Other occasions he rushes after Tybalt and kills him to avenge Mercutio. These actions are what really made me understand the text because all the actions Romeo makes in this situation relate to what happens in the end because of all the revenge people feel they need to take.

Romeo is shown as a bit of a hot head in the beginning of the play but after he marries Juliet he’s trying not to fight Tybalt. But this is short lived because after Tybalt kills Mercutio Romeo is furious and eager for revenge. So Romeo rushes after Tybalt and kills him. These kinds of actions really made the text interesting because you could all ways understand what it was trying to get across to you.

The main idea the destructive consequences of revenge are intertwined with almost every action that Romeo does. Examples are when he gets banished for killing Tybalt which ultimately leads to his death.

After Romeo goes to the Capulet’s party Tybalt feels that Romeo has disgraced his family by going to the party so he goes to get revenge. But Tybalt ends up killing Mercutio instead of Romeo. But that leads to Romeo coming after Tybalt and killing him. “For blood of ours shed blood of Montague” this is what lady Capulet says to the Prince after Tybalts death. The prince decides to banish Romeo instead of killing him because Tybalt killed Mercutio. The events in this part really helped me understand the text and the conflict between the two families.

The feud between the Montague’s and Capulet’s is the thing that leads to the death of Romeo and Juliet. In the introduction it is stated that the feud between the families is what kills the star crossed lovers. The faults of the families all ways needing to get revenge for example Romeo killing Tybalt then getting banish and Juliet then needing to fake death to run away with Romeo all because Tybalt had to get revenge on Romeo for going to the Capulet’s party. Romeo and Juliet’s death were what really helped me understand the destructive consequences of revenge, because their lives were the ultimate price to pay for their families need to get back at each other to stop.

Romeo helped me understand the destructive consequences of revenge with his outgoingness , impulsiveness and his short temper this also helped to make the text interesting and exciting at times.